As aerial yoga involves inversions, students should be mindful of the contraindications. Although it is ultimately the students’ responsibility to monitor their own resistance, it is the job of the studio and teacher to make students aware of the contraindications:
Recent surgery
Irregular heart function
Very high blood pressure
Very low blood pressure
Easy onset vertigo
Osteoporosis / bone weakness
Recent head injury
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Severe arthritis
Hiatal hernia
Disc herniation
Recent stroke
Cerebral sclerosis
Botox (within six hours)
Be compassionate
“Listen to your body. Know that you can come out of the pose any time. Raise your hand if you require assistance. Please however do not push or struggle, as you may fall out of the hammock when it becomes loose. Your safety is my first concern.”
Be prepared to feel a bit dizzy, especially during the first time going upside down or swinging while blood flow is being refreshed and the body is recalibrating. Embrace the feeling.
Vertigo is a real sensation for many, when the hips are over their head. Remind the students to inform the teacher so they receive more attention.
Go to resting posture after upside down:
a. Floating child’s pose
b. Lean back
More practice, less dizzy feeling.
Heart rate
Aerial yoga is low-impact cardiovascular conditioning. It is important to be mindful of the heart rate before inversions or stretching. The head should not be below the heart when the heart rate is significantly elevated.
Students should listen to their bodies and exercise caution before lowering their heads. Incorporate breathing techniques to bring the heart rate down.
Broken capillaries
Broken capillaries near the eyes, which look like small red specks on the skin, are not dangerous and will go away in a few days. They are a result of increased blood pressure. This may be more common to light skinned students.